

Exclusion is on the rise again. The number of permanent exclusions across state funded primary, secondary and special schools has increased from 5,795 in 2014/15 to 6,685 in 2015/16 while the number of fixed rate exclusions from state funded primary, secondary and special schools has increased from 302,975 in 2014/15 to 339,360 in 2015/16.

In this presentation we will consider a range of the issues around exclusion including current policies and procedures and also ways to reduce school exclusion through proactive systems and strategies to manage demanding, difficult and disruptive behaviour.

Issues to be discussed include:
• New school exclusions guidance and preventing school exclusions
• Current research on school exclusions and the link with mental health
• Tackling low level disruptive behaviour
• Behaviour management strategies without using punitive sanctions
• Making reasonable adjustments for pupils with additional needs
• Strategies for engaging disengaged pupils and boosting attendance
• Working with families to improve behaviour