Schools Out

At the time of writing my son will complete his final A Level exam paper which will signal the final act of his school career.

Both he and his twin brother are now contemplating either going to University or looking at options of training for employment.

By finishing school and gaining qualifications they will have a record of achievement and this will provide them with a number of options.

While completing school is not a guarantee for future success it certainly does provide more opportunities than if you have suffered persistent school exclusion.

Many studies and articles have shown the effects of persistent school exclusion in terms of the impact on the diminished life time opportunities for both the individuals themselves and the effects on our society in general.

Within the UK there have been so many recent tragic incidents and so much political turmoil that one fact has stayed well under the radar which is that school exclusion is on the rise again.

As a result of this please find a copy of a recent article in the SENCO magazine regarding this most vital issue.

At this time of year school will soon be out for summer however for many students in the words of the singer Alice Cooper it appears time after time “schools out for ever”

For Students who are persistently excluded for both fixed and permanent periods we really need to question the reasons why? and what we can do more effectively to create a “Schools” In than “Schools Out” strategy.

Have a good summer break,
