Teaching Assistants, also called Learning Support Assistants, should go to Heaven first. Of this I am quite sure. Not just because of all the tremendous work that they do, but…
School Exclusion
As summer seems but a distant memory, the good news is that the long month of September is nearly over and the October half term is in sight. However the…
Classroom Strategies
Transition to Secondary School
Key Homework Strategies
SEN Conference 15 May 2015
St. James Park, Newcastle What did you find most useful? Overall very positive about presenters and content. Comments included: really enjoyed the sessions led by Fintan O’Regan; great speakers; Fintan…
Social, Emotional and Mental Health: Policy, Process and Practice
Social, Emotional and Mental Health: Policy, Process and Practice Within the SEN code of Practice, Behaviour Emotional and Social Difficulties (BESD) has been replaced by the new term Social Emotional…
ASD and Girls
ASD and Girls In the TV comedy programme The Big Bang Theory, two of the main characters portray a man and woman, both who have Aspergers Syndrome. The main male…
UKAP – UK ADHD Partnership
‘Reducing the Costs of ADHD across Education, Health and Care’ London, 4th April 2014 REGISTER NOW! UKAP (the UK ADHD Partnership) will host its first conference on Friday 4th…
SF3R 4 Behaviour UKOK?
November “Special” Magazine for NASEN In July 2013 the Department for education published a document called a Guide for heads and school staff on behaviour and discipline. This paper was produced…