

Bringing up children and young people is never easy, however if in addition they have a learning and or behavioural difficulty it can be extremely challenging.  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an internationally validated medical condition of brain dysfunction in which individuals have difficulties in controlling impulses, inhibiting appropriate behaviour and sustaining attention. Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition that has core features that can affect communication, imagination and interaction. In addition, many children with ADHD and ASD may also have oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) which makes it very difficult for both parents and teachers and affects educational, behavioural, socialisation outcomes. It is, however important to point out that each individual will be uniquely different and therefore there are no ADHD or ASD children but rather children with ADHD and ASD.

This course is designed to help parents and carers to develop:
  •  An awareness of their own practices and purpose in parenting and caring for their children and young persons
  • A greater understanding and awareness of ADHD, ASD and associated behaviours in children and young persons
  • A range of systems and strategies to support parents in managing the behaviour, learning and socialisation of children and young people  with ADHD, ASD and associated behaviours
Course outline

Week 1: Mood and mind set in terms of current practice and purpose demystifying ADHD and ASD what parents need to know in understanding the conditions and how this impacts on boys and girls.

Week 2: Considering associated behaviour issues including oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder and the introduction of the SF3R behaviour management model for practical strategies for management of children and young persons with ADHD and ASD.

Week 3: Structure; setting rules, rituals, routines and consistency in management while allowing flexibility. This includes multi-agency options for management including medication. Case studies, scenes and scenarios to be introduced and discussed.

Week 4: The 3Rs of rapport, relationships and role models. In addition we will consider the issues of counselling and transition and how to work with teachers, schools and supporting agencies.

To discuss how the course would run to suit your specific needs in terms of focus, content and timings contact: or phone 07734 715 378