Adjusting back into the school life in September will be both a challenge but also an opportunity for school staff to revise and review teaching and learning practices and procedures…
Getting back to school: Behaviour for learning in the new normal

Adjusting back into the school life in September will be both a challenge but also an opportunity for school staff to revise and review teaching and learning practices and procedures…
In last few weeks we have been looking at the interesting issue of boredom and some of the challenges but also some of the opportunities that boredom presents. Boredom has…
When you’re bored, time moves slowly. In fact the German word for boredom is “langeweile” when translated directly means “long while”. Gayatri Devi, Associate Professor of English at Lock Haven…
We don’t like talking about boredom. I’m not sure why? Maybe because it’s boring, however I find boredom fascinating. Teachers in schools often are defensive about boredom and mostly place…
Children and young person who exhibit challenging behaviours both at home and at school is not a new phenomenon however many parents and teachers are struggling with specific individuals who…
During a recent school visit, I witnessed an incident that called for a careful assessment of the situation. A year 6 student with ADHD, Daniel, reacted strongly during a conflict,…
At this time when everybody is trying to adjust to the issue of the Coronavirus and taking safety measures (such as wearing AccuMed Safety Face Shield with Glasses at all…
All of us who work with children and adolescents with ADHD in schools and colleges know full well how demanding they can be and the impact they make on our…
This is a well-known African proverb in which an entire community of people need to interact for children to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment. Although communities…
Conduct disorder or CD is a term seldom mentioned in terms of the behaviour of children and adolescents. This is strange as terms such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) Oppositional…