

The content of the course will include:

  • Demystifying Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Understanding the specific symptoms of both conditions and those of co morbid issues including SpLD, ODD and CD.

  • Meeting the needs of children with ADHD and ASD

Understanding the message of ADHD/ASD and what it means to make reasonable accommodations in line with the SEND Regulations in terms of early identification and school based provision.

  • Classroom Management systems and strategies

Assessing a range of tried and tested strategies for classroom based options of learning and behavior management of children with ADHD/ASD.

  • How to improve relationships with peers and reduce bullying while improving social skills

Looking at the principles of socialisation options and how to best deal with non-classroom time including breaks and lunchtime.

  • To consider the impact of Multi agency options for the management of ADHD/ASD and related conditions

Considering the range of options for management including the use of medication, coaching and counselling.

  • Working with parents and how best to support supervisors with specific children

By creating a group of case studies on the day we will consider options for short and long term change both with students and families of children with ADHD/ASD.

To discuss how the course would run to suit your specific needs in terms of focus, content and timings contact: or phone 07734 715 378