

The content of the course will include:

  • Understanding the risk factors for learning and behaviour issues

Understanding the behaviour message and learning needs in children and young people.

  • Introducing the SF3R learning and behaviour model

Outlining the principles of Structure, Flexibility, Rapport, Relationships and Role Models in developing a proactive approach to behaviour and learning.

  • Structure: How to create a proactive behaviour and learning environment

Behaviour and learning rituals, rules and routines both in and outside of the classroom including assessing teacher style.

  • Flexibility: Trouble shooting challenging behaviour

Specific classroom strategies for re-directing behaviour and diffusing threatening confrontations through assertive discipline.

  • The 3Rs : Building rapport, trust and pride

The proactive use of praise and positive reinforcement and how to structure interventions with and between students while providing dignity for all.

  • The 3Rs : Managing support from colleagues and interaction with parents

Managing behaviour by using the “team” including how to best communicate with outside agencies and nurture positive support from parents.

To discuss how the course would run to suit your specific needs in terms of focus, content and timings contact: or phone 07734 715 378