

The content of the course will include:

  • Learning principles and practices

Considering the issues of nature and nurture on behaviour and learning and some of the risk factors in developing effective links between the school and home environment.

  • Style and Substance

A range of teaching styles will be evaluated in relation to their likely communications success. Effective classroom management rituals and routines which underpin the learning environment will be outlined and discussed.

  • Assertive Communication

Assertive communication using key phrases. Tone and timing will be discussed along with the principles and power of active listening techniques.

  • Working the room

“The mobile meercat” approach to teaching and managing the classroom territory will be outlined discussing effective scanning and movement of teachers when dealing with student behaviour and learning.

  • Timing in diffusing and deflecting confrontations

It’s not what you do but the way that you do it in managing tricky situations with angry and aggressive students. Key options in terms of reading the mood and effective use of non-verbal responses will be outlined and practiced.

  • Developing Resilience, Rapport and Relationships

By looking at a number of case studies delegates will be able to apply the principles of effective communication skills to develop a higher level of skill and confidence in managing disaffected, demanding and defiant learners.

To discuss how the course would run to suit your specific needs in terms of focus, content and timings contact: or phone 07734 715 378