

Restorative justice is a practice of repairing and developing important social and emotional competence in learners.Though considering the needs of the victim in the aftermath of any wrongdoing it is also a process of working with the other stakeholders in any event including the offender and most often any bystanders.

Effective restorative justice is not just a policy but is a process and practice where the responsibility for positive relationships can take place across the whole school community. This will be in order to achieve successful learning, behaviour and socialisation outcomes for all students.

Areas to be covered include:

  • What is restorative practice
  • Relationships and fair practice
  • Delivering fair process
  • Agreement to fix it
  • Setting up the conference
  • Victims, offenders and bystanders
  • Roles of the staff
  • Developing empathy and listening skills
  • Rebuilding, repair and resolution
  • Successful LBS outcomes: learning, behaviour and socialisation

We will also consider the issue of anger and conflict management in order to develop more effective self-management skills of this issue on behalf of the aggressor, the target and the bystander.

To discuss how the course would run to suit your specific needs in terms of focus, content and timings contact: or phone 07734 715 378