“Thank you for the inspirational training session at Bideford College yesterday. It should be mandatory for ALL teaching staff to receive this refreshing, informative and engaging training!


Pam Bodimeade
Asst to the Director of Additional Learning Needs Braunton Academy

“I have finally just got home from the training day you and Mark did today at the EDC in Bromley. I don’t usually do gushing but I wanted to thank you for a great training day. You really struck a cord with me (rugby too) when you said that you just make it up as you go along and just keep trying things until something works. I currently work in the school room on children’s ward at The Princess Royal University Hospital. Every morning is unknown, I have no idea who I will get! Some children are in hospital because they have self harmed, some for routine operations and every thing in between. I encounter a large number of teenagers who ‘hate’ school. I have a very short time to assess the children that I have to teach, often medical staff are unaware of any learning difficulties/ASD/ADHD etc so any background info is non existent. I work almost entirely from instinct, just making it up as I go along. Everyone always asks ‘what strategies I will use?’ I find myself lying rather than admitting I have no idea until I meet each child. Most of the children have heard the professional babble numerous times. However, my ‘unique’ approach often catches them off guard and I seem to get fairly good results, thank fully!!!!
Thank you for making it ok to admit that I make it up as I go along!
I would very much appreciate the notes from the training when you have the time.

Many thanks”

Nicola Murtagh


“Thank you so much for your keynote speech – for me it was the highlight of the conference. I do not think that I have ever heard such a well delivered keynote speech which combined humour and substance – I am sure you are much missed as a teacher and school head – I could have easily listened to you all day and time would have flown – but not only that, it would have given me so many ideas and so much knowledge effortlessly. Many thanks and best wishes for the future,”

Andrew Wilkins
Therapeutic Counsellor
Pastoral Head of Keystage 4


“I have known Fin since the mid 1990s when he was Head Master of the Centre Academy in London. He was a dynamic and highly effective school leader who ran a very successful school, which specialised in educating students who had often been rejected by other schools. Fin was notable then for his openness to new educational ideas and his ability to connect with some of the most challenging students. He was a very willing collaborator with universities, and there are many former research students who owe a debt to Fin for the welcome they received at the Centre Academy when they approached Fin with a request to do research there. Several of my students, when I lectured at Cambridge University, were fortunate enough have this experience. It was through this connection that I first came to work with Fin. Our book, Educating Students with AD/HD: A Teacher’s Handbook (Routledge 2001), is but one product of our long term working relationship. In addition to this we have collaborated on many training events for medical and educational professionals, as well as university courses for teachers.I know from first hand experience that Fin is deeply committed to the social and learning needs of young people. He has extensive knowledge of educational interventions for students with a variety of learning, social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. And more than this, he possesses the rare gift of being able to communicate to the widest possible audience on these matters. He has now produced a catalogue of highly accessible books for parents and professionals, and is a very lively and inspiring public speaker, who always leaves his audience stimulated and enlightened.”

Professor Paul Cooper
University of Leicester


“I have attended many of Fin’s workshops and courses on a wide variety of topics and each time came away with many excellent new ideas. Fin’s enthusiasm is infectious, making course members feel confident and eager to employ his strategies in their workplace. He is also very affirming and listens to the experiences of group members celebrating successes and supporting those experiencing difficulties. He has a natural flair for making group participants feel at ease, thus ensuring everyone is happy to contribute. His genuine warmth and his passion for ensuring pupils with a wide range of SEN experience success is evident in all he does. He is able to bring groups formed of members with a wide range of work experience and backgrounds to work together harmoniously capitalising on the differences and helping them discover many shared areas of interest. His presentations while containing a great deal of valuable information are always entertaining. He has the ability to gauge the mood of his audience and utilises a repertoire of skills to keep their attention. The use of practical experiences from his time in school to illustrate points in his presentations gives his work a credibility often lacking with many speakers and consultants. Fin’s wealth of published work is rich and varied and while scholarly in content is also entertaining and engaging. Working with trainee teachers I recommend all his texts to students, particularly to those experiencing difficulties while on placement”.

Bev Forrest, Associate Principal Lecturer/ Admissions, Tutor
Primary Education, Leeds Trinity University College


“Carwarden House Community School have had the opportunity of receiving several excellent training sessions from Fintan. They are always very relevant, thought provoking and enjoyable. All staff leave with some practical solutions to use within the classroom. He has tried and tested strategies and should be part of every schools’ INSET programme – a brilliant practitioner and speaker – someone we would highly recommend”.

Su Cope – Assistant Headteacher / Outreach Coordinator – Carwarden House Community School (Special Education)


“Fintan spoke at Buckinghamshire’s annual SEN conference and was a rousing success. He came highly recommended from fellow professionals in the field of Behaviour Management and I was suitably impressed by his presenting skills, subject knowledge and personalability when I listened to him at a national conference in London. As a result of the feedback that he received at the SEN conference, we have now asked him back to Bucks to speak at this year’s annual conference for designated teachers for children in care and do not doubt that he will again lead a genuine, thought-provoking and informative session.”

Stuart Mogridge – Headteacher of The ECPC Virtual School, Bucks

“As the Conference Organiser for Warrington Headteachers I was looking for a lively, entertaining speaker for an early morning Friday slot following a Conference dinner the night before. I was not disappointed. The evaluations were full of praise for Fin as his excellent, engaging, amusing and thought provoking delivery and content ensured that all delegates were enagaged, fully focused and able to take away some great ideas to try with their own pupils. Tying each other up with string was a good laugh and proved a point well.”

Jacqui Wightman, Headteacher, Latchford St James C of E Primary School

“Fin delivered two seminars on Supporting and Managing Pupils with ADHD at Nottinghamshire County Council’s 2009 SENCO Conference. Statistically the seminars were very well received, with 74% rating the session as ‘very good’, 25% as ‘good’ and 1% as satisfactory.  Many commented on Fin’s entertaining and engaging style. Delegates also valued the informative content of the presentation which they felt was realistic and reflected their experience of the classroom. They very much welcomed the practical ideas offered through the seminar. There is no doubt that those delegates who attended Fin’s seminar valued the experience greatly.”

Simon Ray, SEN Training, Monitoring & Accountability Co-ordinator, SEN Training Team


“A highly entertaining speaker on a difficult subject of considerable interest to anyone working in schools today.”

Hilary Moriarty, National Director, Boarding Schools’ Association


“Fintan has been a regular speaker for TSL Events for many years now. His ability to engage audiences with genuine warmth and humour whilst delivering important content and advice on behaviour management means we always receive great feedback from the delegates. I would thoroughly recommend Fintan to anyone”.

Frank Knight, Events Manager, TSL Education


“ I really enjoyed the day and have gained a lot of knowledge which I will take away and apply in school.”

Collin Jones, Turney School, London


“An excellent, informative and entertaining day – thank you!”

Helen Morris, New Woodlands School, Kent


“Best course I have been on for a long time. Speaker really knew his subject.”

Pat Acock, Northampton College, Northants


” Fintan is a dynamic and inspirational speaker. At the heart of everything he says is ‘the child’. His insights are rich and informative, enabling teachers to improve the learning opportunities they present to children.”

Professor Barry Carpenter OBE, National Director, Specialist Schools and Academies Trust


“Fintan O-Regan provided professional input for us in training we organized in Birmingham for the College of Teachers. His input on supporting pupils with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was evaluated highly by the participants and we would not hesitate to recommend him to others looking to raise awareness in this area.
His presentation successfully addressed the key points identified in the pre-training briefing and was well structured and organized.
In addition, as a result of his own teaching experience with students with SEN, he was able to develop a good rapport with his audience.
He provided a range of practical strategies aimed at supporting teachers and schools in reducing the barriers for success for pupils with ADHD.”

Phil and Carol Smart, www.snip-newsletter.co.uk


“Fintan is an outstanding speaker. He is one of the most informative and entertaining speakers in the business. His style is refreshing and fun. He captivates his audience with his energy, enthusiasm and wit. Fintan is easy to listen to and one of the few speakers you can listen to from the first word to the last for a whole day! He talks about “real” children using real-life stories to illustrate his points, many drawn from his experience in schools. He recognises the stress and pressures experienced by teachers and offers practical strategies to improve teaching and learning. He has the ability to reach out and provide ideas they can use in their every day work. After a whole day of INSET we received numerous positive comments and teachers lingered after the presentation to ask further questions and to thank Fin for the presentation. It was great to hear teachers laugh.”




tel: 07734 715 378 email: fjmoregan@aol.com

Training    Teacher Coaching   Consultancy    ADHD-Plus    Parent’s Corner

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