Training Options: Whole School INSET

New 7 -Part Behaviour course for Schools and School Staff called “Get out of my face, it’s not fair and you don’t understand me at all”

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Managing Behaviour and Reducing School Exclusions: 4 Presentations for SLT, School Staff, Governors and Parents

This course on managing behaviour and reducing the risk of exclusions is comprised of 4 videos:

Video 1: For Senior Leadership Teams

This presentation will describe the scale of the issue and shows the dramatic rise in both permanent and fixed term exclusions over the last 4 years. It focuses on the main reason for both permanent and fixed term exclusions: Persistent Disruptive Behaviour or PDB. It will outline both the challenges and also the opportunities for meeting the needs of students at risk by posing 3 key questions and supplying 3 key solutions. It will then introduce the SF3R model for behavioural intervention.

Video 2: For Teaching and Support Staff

This is a presentation for both teaching and support staff working with students at risk for both permanent and fixed term exclusion, particularly for PDB. It will demonstrate how the SF3R approach where Structure, Flexibility, Rapport, Relationships and Resilience can be applied in order to meet the learning, behaviour and socialisation needs of students who may be struggling in both the primary and secondary school setting. It will outline a sample of approaches and support strategies to deal with demanding, disruptive and defiant individuals and to de-escalate difficult situations.

Video 3: For Parents and Carers

This presentation will consider how parents can work in partnership with the school in terms of children at risk for fixed and permanent exclusions, particularly for PDB. It will provide some tips for supporting children with behavioural issues at home and will outline effective ways of communication with the school.

Video 4: For School Governors

This presentation will describe the scale of the issue and shows the dramatic rise in both permanent and fixed term exclusions over the last 4 years. It will consider some of the policies and procedures involved in the school exclusion process and will outline how the SF3R approach may well be an option to reduce the rate of exclusions particularly for PDB across the school. In order to balance out the risk, we will describe how resilience can also be an important factor in helping to support students and staff within the school community.

For more information & to purchase this course, please click here.


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